Share Your Battle Challenge
Rule Set: Reverse Speed + Wands out + Target Practice
Mana: 48
This is a ranked match in champion II lb and an interesting mix of rules conditions
Showdown: We had similar ideas, both went with death archetype decks and slow teams, however the adversary went with Owster Rotwell summoner expecting to magic reflect dmg (using Cabalist to amplify that), while I went with Thaddius Brood summoner that not only nerfs -1 magic dmg but also gives -1 hp.
So the battle line up was:
Thaddius Brood -> Usut -> Djinn Muirat -> Revealer -> Venari Spellsmith -> Magi of Chaos -> Dr. Blight
Owster Rotwell -> Usut -> Djinn Muirat -> Skok Duskblight -> Cabalist -> Revealer -> Dr. Blight
My strategy: Well, I also tryied to use magic reflect by placing Djinn Muirat at 2nd spot (because of Snipe ability on Target Practice), I tryied to back it with Venari Spellsmith amplify (on 4th spot), I placed Revealer on 3rd spot because I thought adversary could go with Yodin (as fire deck was an option), that is also good on Target practice rule cause could blast 2 adjacent cards, so I protected it with reflect shield, but that wasn't the case. So besides that I used Magi of Chaos for damage and low speed on 5th spot, the last card was Dr. Blight meant to be the MVP and trying to stack scavenger while casting poison, affliction and weaken . On 1st spot I used Usut cause I thought would be a good idea for 1 x 1, since other cards would attack the 2nd house
Battle miscelanious: Seens like my adversary intended to revive Djinn Muirat using Skok Duskblight resurrect, and I probably would have lost if he suceeded... But I had luck when his Dr. Blight attacked first Djinn Muirat and took amplifyied back damage, while had the -1 hp casted by Brood (+ Dr. Blight Weaken)... So his Dr. Blight died and was ressurected instead.
Here I was even luckier and was able to stun Djinn Muirat with Revealer attack, and then my own Muirat hit him with Knock-out ability causing 2x damage and taking out his Muirat next.
His Cabalist also took amplifyied magic reflect damage and died, that was very good because took his amplify out of the game
I still lost 2 cards (Venari Spellsmith and Magic of Chaos) by taking magic reflect dmg
End of battle was that I started to attack his Revealer next, and my Revealer was very usefull not taking any magic reflect damage or poison because of immunity. After that my team started to target Usut since Dr. Blight also has cammouflage
At this point I already had an advantage by having more cards and was able to cast some stuns with Revealer and poisonings with Dr. Blight, turning into a win
If I could review something is that since he seens to have a nice collection, maybe Kain hace could be a good choice by blasting high damage and not taking magic reflect damage, seens like he could have traded Skok and Cabalist for Kain + Spellsmith at least...
I Really enjoyed this battle and thought very fun!!