Contest: What is your Hive Price Prediction for January 15?

in #hive-1735752 years ago

Hello again. It's been a while since I've been active in the community. I'm here with a new event. More precisely, with a guessing contest :)

image: Tradingview

Purpose of the competition:
Increasing activity in the community. To provide an environment for community users to share ideas. To develop financial knowledge and analysis skills.

Subject of the competition:
Community users to predict the price of Hive that will happen on January 15, 2023. Indicate the reasons for the estimated price to be realized.

Competition rules:

  • Please specify a single price. And predict the price level as 0.123. For example; You can make an estimate of 0.269 (the Hive price at the time of this content creation).
  • Don't just share the price level. Why should the Hive price be at the level you predicted on the specified date? You can briefly refer to technical or fundamental data. You can share your analysis.

Competition prizes:
The user who guesses closest to the price on the specified date will win 10 Hive. In addition, the comments made by each user who guesses will be evaluated by the curators.

Determining the winning prediction; The predictions made on January 11 will be compiled and added to this post. On January 15, at 12:00 UTC, Binance Exchange will check the HIVE/USDT parity. The user who guesses closest to the resulting Hive price will win the competition prize.

@rzc24-nftbbg 0.35 won the contest. 0.287
@ahmetay 0.262
@xplosive 0.24
@emeka4 0.255
@henrietta27 0.29
@castri-ja 0.306
@yecier 0.283
@incublus 0.312
@evgen-xx 0.411
@stayoutoftherz 0.281
@mypathtofire 0.321
@hiro.guita 0.272
@technicalside 0.315
@writeandearn 0.3
@mightyrocklee 0.32
@ganjafarmer 0.42




BTW: What happened to the inflation of $CENT?

Thanks for the answer. I would be glad if you state your estimate as 0.123. Cent's prize pool generates 7200 tokens daily.

Dear @anadolu,
Our previous proposal expired end of December and the Hivebuzz project is not funded anymore. May we ask you to review and support our new proposal (
Thank you for your help!


I don't expect a strong recovery until febrary

I predict the Hive/USDT pair will be 0.2626 on 15.01.2023. Too low volume hinders movement. So I think it will stay here for a while.

Probably Hive will be $0.24 USD on 2023.01.15. The downtrend (bear market) looks strong. And I expect further downward movements in the price. Maybe soon it will be around $0.10 USD.


Yeah man we gonna grow!!!

Hive to $10!

Thanks for your reply. I also think we'll see $10 one day. I hope :)

That would be an absolutely amazing occurrence and I can't wait for that day.

0.27 the market is very stopped.

There are predictions that 2023 will be more positive. I hope these levels are the prices where it bottomed out. I would be glad if you state your estimate as 0.123.


I think it might end up at 0.31 - 034

Or it might stay at current levels maybe oushing toward 0.28

That all depends if that last candle will close the way it is, if it pushes more upwards and closes then I would say that it might shoot to 0.34

My final speculation would be 0.315 at bare minimum

Thank you for your answer. I also follow the psychological levels of 0.3, 0.35. I would appreciate it if you would make a single guess and state it as 0.123.

Okay, ill give it a edit quickly 😎... I made it 0.315

My guess is 0,321. I think there could be a short bear market rally and recovery in some of the alts that have been pummelled!

Thank you for the guess. I hope a permanent upward movement begins. Bitcoin may hold out for a while. But for altcoins, the problem is increasing as time goes on.

We are feeling a lot of pain right now, I presume it is also to the new interest rate environment that is bursting many asset bubbles.

I'm seeing hive to be at 0.287. it's should be around that point from my analysis.

0.312 is my guess. I hope it will increase more haha

Thanks for the guess. Pretty reasonable numbers for a week. Hopefully these price levels are where we find the bottom.

Yay! 🤗
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for the guess.

I will go for $0.35. HIVE will test that 24 December 2022 resistance at $0.35.

This is one hell of a competition 😂... It will really be nice seeing who got to win this owing to the dynamic nature of hive and crypto currently.

Goodluck bro

I think it will be 0.29

My prediction for Hive price on January 15 would be $0.255. Why I feel so is that the market price have failed to skyrocket to increase in it price and with the current price I still don't see it to increase at the moment.

I do not see it going too much up.

Thank you for the answer. A healthy rise is what we all want. I would be glad if you state your estimate as 0.123.


I hope though, the other, more optimistic guessers will win :)

Thank you. I hope we all profit in the long run. We haven't seen the clear signs that we've hit the bottom yet.



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