Got A Major Fright Today!
Heck now this was really something! Something in and out of this world!
I got home and I started cleaning up the place and heck I was real busy up and down the place and when I was almost done with everything I somehow noticed this spider chilling like a villain on the TV case!
Well he was all huddled up like he was hella scared of me and they say they are more scared of you than you are of them but I doubt that was the case here! Seriously!
He blended in quite nicely but heck you can see the little fella was also scared!
I Caught The Little Bugger!
Phone the police there seems to be an home invasion!
Well to anyone that thought I am crazy enough to actually try and capture this with my hands are absolutely whack as whack can be!
Never in my life will I attempt that, not even if I know it wont bite me in a million years!
This is just a common hunting spider... well at-least that is from what people tell me but dang if it was poisonous I would have slaughtered the bugger! Since it's not poisonous I thought well let's let it back out in the wild!
I did try and get some good quality photos of the little bugger but heck it wasn't all that easy! He was ganging around up in there and well I didn't want to shake the bugger to death... Not the plan!
If he is alive he can still serve some purpose in my life and catch some of those flies trying to go about in my house! Well he should catch them from outside though! LAUGHS! Don't want him anywhere near me but that doesn't mean I want him dead!
It's like the bugger wanted to break through the glass!
Nah actually he was very peacefull! VERY he didn't fight or struggle a lot at all, heck when I opened it up outside he didn't even want to go out of the jar... Mayhaps he liked the smell of the orange jam I had inside the tub before that!
You'd never know right! One thing that is certain is that I haven't seem him around again... That doesn't mean that he didn't find his way back into my place again!
I certainly hope not!
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